Pompo The Cinephile Genre. The series centers on Joelle Davidovich Pomponette Pompo-san a talented film producer at the movie capital Nyallywood Despite her prowess to see through to the potential of actors and staff and bring out their talent to the fullest she has. Its a film about the art and the passion of filmmaking and all of the effort that goes into it.
Story Art by. Tweet a link Share to Facebook. Pompo the Cinephile is a cinematic treat a.
Full of heart genuine insights sharp dialogue and rounded characters the film is animated beautifully by CLAP Studio.
A delicate drama about an aging and tormented creative genius starring the legendary and Brando-esque Pompo is a talented. To start with why is it called Pompo. Pompo is a talented and gutsy producer in Nyallywood the movie-making capital of the world. Watching the anime movie Pompo.