Holy Thursday Mass Philippines. Fr Jun Bugtas SJ shall be our Mass Presider. Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet John 13115.
Live Online Holy Eucharist Mass in the Philippines Manila Cathedral Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. You are invited to attend the Holy Thursday Mass at the Church of the Gesù on 14 April 2022 at 4 pm. This Holy Thursday let us reflect and ponder on these words of Jesus in the gospel.
On Holy Thursday there is a special Mass in Cathedral Churches attended by as many priests of the diocese as can attend because it is a solemn observance of Christs institution of the priesthood.
Jesus washing the feet of his disciples shows his love humility and service to others San Jose de Trozo Tondo parish. HOLY WEEK 2020 Here are the online mass schedules for the anticipated Lenten season in the Philippines that you can watch. ETVN Philippines - 28 April 2022 630am Thursday Live Now Holy Mass at the Diocesan Shrine of Jesus OnlineMass. Sa ngalan ng Ama at ng anak at ng Espiritu Santo.