Holy Thursday Mass Hymns. Per quem salvati et liberati. Triduum Hymn Wondrous Love What wondrous love is this O my soul O my soul.
Sacred Heart of Jesus - 50 days after Pentecost. Holy Darkness Schutte verses 2 3 5 Anthem to the Blessed Virgin. Sunday Masses 430 pm Saturday 830 am Sunday 1100 am Sunday.
Till all the world adore His sacred name.
Faith my how the - ful glo - full - ness now end - ed of the was ing in tri - umph tri umph the sent he fol - iage the thers his your tion va dwell - ing lift ed demp - tion nal he the sing. Peter said to Him You will never wash my feet. Music by Heart 06 Lamb of God Robinson McClellan A simple and quite lovely call and response. THE LITURGY OF THE WORD.