Dnd 5e Eye Of Vecna. According to some Vecna had an obsession with acquiring and maintaining secrets believing them to be the source of true power. This website exists thanks to the contribution of patrons on Patreon.

The stronger eye destroys the weaker eye and preserves the life of the creature. Non-SRD try here or search. See in normal and magical darkness check See invisible creatures and objects check Automatically detect visual illusions potentially and succeed on saving throws against them if yes then yes if no then no Perceives the original form of a shapechanger or a creature.
Of Vecna all that remained were one hand and one eye grisly artifacts that still seek to work the Whispered Ones will in the world.
The Vecna voice is Vecnas new goal to have a Material Plane Avatar by now gaining slowly children to the cult and indoctrinating them to believe Vecna is the a way for everlasting life. I mean Blind Sight gives you 2 maybe 3 of the 4 benefits of True Sight. Attuning to the hand gives you the following benefits. When Vecna grew in power he appointed an evil and ruthless lieutenant Kas the Bloody Handed to act as his bodyguard and right hand.